How do you want to show up

in relationship? 

Relationship Therapy

I offer relationship therapy to two folks in relationship - it may be a partnership or friendship.

I help you get clear on what kind of relationship experience you want, and help you deepen trust, intimacy, and align with how you want to show up in connection.

Together, we’ll look at the pattern you find yourselves in and be curious about behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that play out.

Because how we experience the present moment is more influenced by our history than the current stimuli we’re taking in, we’ll look at how your history may be playing a role in your relational experience and contributing to stuckness. We will do this by engaging the experience of the body and mind.

I’ll help you deepen connection to yourself, so that you can own your part in the relationship and experience deeper connection, intimacy and trust with the person you love.

    • relational challenges - blocks to intimacy, codependency, conflicts, boundaries, attachment

    • life changes - relocation, children, divorce

    • grief and loss - death, personal loss

  • I’m a STAIR-trained therapist - an integrative, experiential, neurobiology-informed method of therapy.

    I weave together Interpersonal Neurobiology, Internal Family Systems, Somatic Abolitionism, and Narrative Therapy.

    I’m influenced by brain change science, Buddhist psychology, attachment theory, decolonial practices, and my ancestors.

  • Zoom sessions.

    $300 for 50 minutes.

    $375 for 90 minutes.

    I offer longer sessions and more frequent sessions if they’re requested.

    I have limited reduced fee spots for folks in financial need.

    I don’t take insurance but provide superbills for out-of-network reimbursement.