Touch your pain

without getting stuck

in overwhelm or terror

Comprehensive Trauma Therapy

I help you feel belonging with yourself. I help you with blocks to a lasting experience of compassion, self-trust, and fulfilling relationships.

So that pain can be less painful. It might even go away.

How is this possible?

Your brain can unlearn painful (untrue) things you learned from hard experiences (like, I’m all alone, I’m unworthy, I’m bad) - only IF you come closer to your pain with “I’m here with you” energy.

Don’t worry if your pain scares you or you want to run away from it. Or if you think you’ll get overwhelmed and stuck in it. Or if compassion and connection with yourself feels impossible.

I shape the therapeutic space so that we meet you exactly where you are - so respectfully and kindly - that going closer to the pain begins to feel okay. I also won’t leave you alone in pain. I’ll ground us in the here and now. I’ll help you understand your pain and how you protect yourself from pain, in a way that deepens self-trust and compassion.

We’ll grow your capacity to touch your pain without getting stuck in overwhelm or terror. When we do that, your pain can transform into true inner belonging. Then, your brain can finally take in new learning and actually believe something else to be true about you or your life. This frees up space for peace and presence in your life and relationships.

    • trauma - racial, sexual, physical, relational, intergenerational, ancestral, systemic (e.g., racism, sexism, fatphobia, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, colonial violence)

    • energetic states - anxiety, depression, dissociation, stress, panic, rage/anger, overwhelm, burnout, hopelessness

    • behavioral - emotional reactivity, addiction, perfectionism, OCD, tics

    • relationship with self - unworthy, inner critic, shame, judgment

    • relational challenges - codependency, conflicts, boundaries, attachment

    • life changes - relocation, children, divorce

    • grief and loss - death, personal loss, and collective (e.g., climate crisis, state violence)

    • identity exploration and challenges - sexuality, gender, race, culture, BDSM / Kink, consensual nonmonogamy / polyamory

    • lived experiences: chronic illness, disability, neurodivergence, sex work

  • I’m a STAIR Method certified therapist - an integrative, experiential, neurobiology-informed method of therapy.

    I weave together Interpersonal Neurobiology, Internal Family Systems, Somatic Abolitionism, and Narrative Therapy.

    I’m influenced by brain change science, Buddhist psychology, attachment theory, decolonial practices, and my ancestors.

  • Primarily zoom sessions.

    $300 for 50 minutes.

    I offer longer sessions and more frequent sessions if they’re requested.

    I have limited reduced fee spots for folks in financial need.

    I don’t take insurance but provide superbills for out-of-network reimbursement.